Thank you for being a part of the Embrilliance family- enjoy this holiday freebie and a special surprise!
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November 22, 2021
Greetings from everyone at Embrilliance!

As thoughts turn to giving thanks, we are reminded never to take each other for granted. We at Embrilliance think not only of our loved ones, but also those who support all we do. We couldn't be more grateful for you, our Embrilliance family.

Read on for a free holiday design that's quick to stitch, an incredible update to our most magical holiday design collection with a free project to test for yourself, and a coupon good even after you recover from this busy week.

A turkey you can have without hours of cooking!
When our Lisa Shaw was looking for a Thanksgiving project she could put together for a last-minute bit of holiday flare, our Erich Campbell offered his favorite bit of quick-stitching turkey-day table dressing.

This woodcut-style turkey design is a single-color, without jumps or trims, and stitches small enough to add your own text or embellishments easily.

Presented in a native BE file, users of Embrilliance software can resize, personalize, and save it in any machine file format, whether you want to layer on an awesome quote like Lisa's piece or give the gift of a little gobbler to the bottom of your new rope-bowl, like Tisza Major-Posner who submitted the awesome pics of her project below!

Love for our Christmas Traditions!
We can't thank you enough for the praise we've heard about Christmas Traditions!

Create festive Free-Standing Lace snowflakes and Ornament Covers!  The latest update also includes a Fabric setting for the Snowflakes to save lighter, quicker-stitching versions meant to stitch directly on fabric! 

If you don't see the FreeStanding/Fabric option in your snowflake interactive tab - be sure to download and install the latest Embrilliance Platform update AND the latest Christmas Traditions BX file from our Downloads page!

To show you the power of the new 'Fabric' setting for Christmas Traditions and to give you a great idea how you can use our Merrowly Interactive for more than patches, she created the pictured snowflake coaster and ornament project that you can stitch for free!
Stress-free Savings
We're taking the pressure off of making purchases by offering a coupon that lasts past the usual online rush.  This 10% off coupon is good through December 18th, 2021 for any purchase from the Embrilliance Store.

No flash sales, one-day deals, or limited stock- just use coupon code THANKFUL21 to get the discount when you are ready to purchase.

Thanks for celebrating with us, and we hope you have a happy holiday!

Happy Stitching,

From Team Embrilliance

BriTon Leap, Inc., 8100 Wyoming NE M4#775, Albuquerque, NM 87113, United States
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